Thursday, 24 October 2019

Meeting room mailbox not showing details - Show Full Free/Busy Details for MS Exchange Server Room and Resource Mailboxes


There is a room/Resource Mailboxes, that is not showing any details when booking it. It shows only created person name or free/busy status.

For e.g, check below image.


This is caused by the default permission on the mailbox's calendar. This mailbox permission set either AvailabilityOnly or Show only. So this permission needs to be changed.


1. Open MS Exchange PowerShell and check permission for this mailbox calendar

PS cmd:

Get-MailboxFolderPermission <Mailbox_Name>:\Calendar
If the result like below,
FolderName User AccessRights SharingPermissionFlags
---------- ---- ------------ ----------------------
Calendar Default {AvailabilityOnly}
Calendar Anonymous {None

2. Then change the Access Rights to Reviewer or other permissions as per your requirements.

PS cmd:

Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity <Mailbox_Name>:\Calendar' -User Default -AccessRights Reviewer
3. Now you can check permission using above same cmd.
Access Rights RolesAuthorCreateItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItemsContributorCreateItems, FolderVisibleEditorCreateItems, DeleteAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditAllItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItemsNoneFolderVisibleNonEditingAuthorCreateItems, FolderVisible, ReadItemsOwnerCreateItems, CreateSubfolders, DeleteAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditAllItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderContact, FolderOwner, FolderVisible, ReadItemsPublishingEditorCreateItems, CreateSubfolders, DeleteAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditAllItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItemsPublishingAuthorCreateItems, CreateSubfolders, DeleteOwnedItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItemsReviewerFolderVisible, ReadItems
The following roles apply specifically to calendar folders:AvailabilityOnlyView only availability dataLimitedDetailsView availability data with subject and location

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Failed to mount restore point. Linux FLR appliance deploy failed in Veeam


Some times when we try to restore the Linux VM and its environment folders/files (Guest OS level), we get below error,


Failed to mount restore point. Linux FLR appliance deploy failed :
Failed to mount NFS volume (IP_of_Repository:/VeeamBackup_IP_of_Repository). IP_of_Repository: Fault "PlatformConfigFaultFault", detail "NFS mount IP_of_Repository:/VeeamBackup_IP_of_Repository failed:
Unable to connect to NFS server."

Actual issue is,

Linux FLR server and restored Network File System (NFS) server connectivity issue.  


1.Check the connectivity issue and open connection between FLR server and NFS server.

2. Time being change the NFS server which is accessible from FLR server. You can change the settings from veeam B&R server.

Infrastructure --> Repository --> Properties --> NFS server name (change in to another Veeam Repository as NFS server).

Note : Here, Repository is mentioned as Storage server/device name.

Error: Failed to check whether snapshot is in progress (network mode) in Veeam backup


Processing <Server_Name> Error: Failed to check whether snapshot is in progress (network mode).
RPC function call failed. Function name: [IsSnapshotInProgress]. Target machine: [Server_Name.pad.loc].
RPC error:The RPC server is unavailable. Code: 1722 in Windows server 2016 and above environment.

Root cause of this issue is,

Look likes firewall has issue, and it turns out it was.


Enable the rule Remote Service Management [RPC-EPMAP]. This will allow the job to continue. This rule is disabled by default in Windows server 2016, but previous version this rule might enabled by default..

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Redirect aspx website in IIS using C# code.

My Scenario:

  I want to access my domain, when I try to browse my sub domain site


    I tried the below  code in my default.aspx page,

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="default.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="True" Inherits="umbraco.UmbracoDefault" trace="true" validateRequest="false" %>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.myexample\.in
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

The direction is works fine.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Your Certificate request was denied. "Denied by Policy Module 0x80070576, Active Directory Certificate Service could not find required Active Directory Information"


    Your Certificate request was denied

    Your request ID is <>. The disposition message is, "Denied by Policy Module 0x80070576, Active Directory Certificate Services could not find required Active Directory Information".


    When I tried to download the certficate from the Active Directory Certificate Server, I got the above error.


    When I checked the time for the both DC and CS server both are different. My CS server was 1 hour ahead from the DC. I adjusted the time and the certificate downloaded fine.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Object Cache: The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured. This can increase the number of cache misses, which causes the page requests to consume unnecessary system resources in SHAREPOINT server

Error :

Object Cache: The super user account utilized by the cache is not configured. This can increase the number of cache misses, which causes the page requests to consume unnecessary system resources.
To configure the account use the following command 'stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname portalsuperuseraccount -propertyvalue account -url webappurl'. The account should be any account that has Full Control access to the SharePoint databases but is not an application pool account.
 Additional Data:
 Current default super user account: [MachineName]\system SharePoint 2010 is hosted on this machine.

Scenario :

The IIS APPPool account does not have access permission for the DB/tables and display the result.(in my scenario, SQL Server (SSRS) Reports not accessible).

Solution :

I gave DB_Owner permission for the user APPPool account to the DB.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Get Assembly Name of SP Timer Job

To Get Assembly (.dll) name of particular SP Timer Job use the below command,

Get-SPTimerJob -WebApplication "http://<SPSite>:<Port>" -Identity "<Timer Job Name>" | select Name, DisplayName,TypeName | Format-List